Here's Our Progress...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 87

Numbers 23:27 - 26:11

We have three different stories working today. First, we are seeing the end of Balaam's story. We see that he again blesses the Israelites and Balak isn't so happy about that. In spite of the reasoning behind God wanting to stop Balaam's journey, I think we can all learn from Balaam's steadfast devotion to God. In verses 12-14, he tells Balak that it doesn't matter the wealth laid before him, he must stay true to what God tells him to do. Sometimes it can be so easy to brush aside our beliefs and justify it with monetary or other earthly gain. But we need to remain steadfast in our decision to follow Christ.

Second, we see God again plaguing and purging the Israelites from the sin that always entangles them. They have disobeyed God and allowed some of the Moabite women into their midst, and they have in turn, tried to lead them astray. We see God praising Eleazar because he was as zealous as God in keeping the camp pure.

Lastly, we see another census beginning. Get your calculators out...

Luke 7:11-35

Jesus has authority over death - how amazing is that?! What would it have been like to be a bystander watching this horribly sad funeral procession? You see the poor widow mother crying and then suddenly the procession stops. There's some talking and then rejoicing erupts as the dead son gets out of the coffin and walks away!

Today we also see John the Baptist reappear. He has been in prison awhile now and is getting discouraged, wondering if everything he preached was true. He sends his disciples to Jesus and they come back with a powerful report to restore John's faith (I love this!): "The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor." The Christian life is [supposed to be] a powerful life!!

Psalm 38:1-12

Today's reading is flat out depressing. David is laying out his raw emotions in writing to his God, begging for mercy. David had it right, though, we are to come to God with everything, and allow Him to be our strength, healing and encouragement.


Anonymous said...

24:17 "I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near.
A star will come out of Jacob;
a scepter will rise out of Israel.
He will crush the foreheads of Moab,
the skulls [b] of [c] all the sons of Sheth."

Another amazing prophecy declaring how Jesus (the Messiah) would come forth out of Jacob and would rule as God's scepter crushing the kingdom of Moab (Satan).

25:11 "for he was as zealous as I am for my honor among them"

Wow... please give us a zealous heart Lord... like Phinehas to guard and protect Your honor.

It is also interesting that Phinehas would enter into Canaan and be given an everlasting priesthood in his family.

Contrast this Phinehas grandson of Aaron the priest, with Phinehas son of Eli the priest who dishonored the Lord and desecrated His temple and dishonored his father. These two are like a picture of the Spirit and the flesh contrasted side by side.

soulsource said...

"O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath." - Psalm 38:1

What great parenting advice!