Here's Our Progress...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 80

There were a few portions of scripture today that really jumped out at me. The first being 11:23. Moses is complaining about the Israelites and his situation. God's given him an answer of what He's going to do, and Moses isn't quite sold on the idea. God says "Is the Lord's arm too short?" Ouch! How many times in our life are we standing on the promises of the word and then decide that maybe they're not going to happen for us? Are we shortening the Lord's arm in our life?

In chapter 12, we see that Miriam and Aaron are speaking out against Moses. That's so dangerous! We'll see it again when we get to David, but speaking against the Lord's anointed (your pastor, leader) is a dangerous thing to do! What I love about this though, is how we see just how close God and Moses are. The Lord speaks veiled to His prophets, but not with Moses. He speaks face to face with Moses. What an honor!

As we move into chapter 13, we see that they're finally going to get a glimpse of the Promised Land. Tomorrow we'll get to hear their report.

Here we have the infamous begats. What's interesting in these, though, is how we see that prophecy is fulfilled. Jesus came from David and the tribe of Judah, just as prophesied.

In chapter 4, we read about the temptation of Jesus. Pastor John commented last week on a passage in Leviticus, and then we also heard about it on Sunday (check out the podcast here). I am inserting his comment because I think we can all glean from it...

Lev.27:28 "But nothing that a man owns and devotes to the LORD -whether man or animal or family land—may be sold or redeemed; everything so devoted is most holy to the LORD."

I really enjoyed again the emphasis this chapter puts upon "dedicate" and calls for God's people to give Him everything they own... including themselves. But I love how it says that our lives are "most holy to the Lord". This speaks to owns both me, but also my holiness. He makes me holy and he brings me value. My identity (value) is to be found in Christ alone. The World only looks to value what the God of this age values. (Luke 4 - Jesus in the wilderness).

1. You are what you do (Performance) - Turn these stones into bread.

2. You are what you own (Possessions) - Give Jesus the kingdoms

3. You are what people think about you (Popularity) - Show Jesus' power by throwing himself off the cliff.

Thank you Lord we only take our identity in Your Word and in Christ alone!

Sin is so tempting. It seems sometimes that it is so easy to justify and fit in to our lives. We must be careful not to hop on that highway, though, and remain steadfast on the narrow road.

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