Here's Our Progress...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 72

Oh Israelites. Come on. Doesn't it just frustrate you to know that the Israelites disobey and this will be their punishment, especially after we just read yesterday what their rewards would have been for obeying? These are some harsh punishments.

Today, we're ending Leviticus, and we're wrapping up the discussion between God and Moses on Mt Sinai. I realize that not everyone has read all of Leviticus, and that's okay, but I want to know your thoughts on the book. Let me know something new you've learned. Leviticus can be a tough book to get through, but as we've seen this week, there's also quite a bit to glean in there....we haven't even scratched the surface, I'm sure!

For those starting from the beginning, we're now moving into the third gospel--Luke. We're going to read all the same stories, again, but what is interesting is how different the stories are told. Luke, for example, was a doctor, so we'll see things maybe from a more technical perspective when he writes.

In this chapter, we read about John the Baptist's parents and their reactions to John's conception. How horrible to be mute after you have a supernatural encounter with an actual angel!! I would want to go tell everyone what I just saw, and I'll be darned if I can't even utter a word. I think God was showing Zechariah that He meant business. We need to believe!

Wisdom is so important. When we are young, and not-so-young, it is so important to seek out wisdom--whether it be from God's word or someone respected in our lives. We need to seek out wisdom and keep it solid within us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lev.27:28 "But nothing that a man owns and devotes to the LORD -whether man or animal or family land—may be sold or redeemed; everything so devoted is most holy to the LORD."

I really enjoyed again the emphasis this chapter puts upon "dedicate" and calls for God's people to give Him everything they own... including themselves. But I love how it says that our lives are "most holy to the Lord". This speaks to owns both me, but also my holiness. He makes me holy and he brings me value. My identity (value) is to be found in Christ alone.

The World only looks to value what the God of this age values. (Luke 4 - Jesus in the wilderness).

1. You are what you do (Performance) - Turn these stones into bread.
2. You are what you own (Possessions) - Give Jesus the kingdoms
3. You are what people think about you (Popularity) - Show Jesus' power by throwing himself off the cliff.

Thank you Lord we only take our identity in Your Word and in Christ alone!