Here's Our Progress...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 79

How awesome would it have been to see the cloud and fire resting on the tabernacle? To hear the trumpet blasts?

I think the part that hit me the hardest was the beginning of chapter 11. Yesterday we read and discussed celebrating God's deliverance from our Egypt. But how many times, just like the Israelites, do we complain about the hardships since and look back longingly to what held us miserably captive? Yikes! That was such a grave offense, God scorched 'em. Lord, may we be grateful for every circumstance that comes our way and never complain about what You are doing in our lives.

What a great portion of scripture!

We've all heard verse 8 quoted "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." What does that mean to you? To me, it means that in our repentance, in our turning from our sin, our fruit should reflect that change. So in light of that, what does your fruit look like?

The rest of verse 8 is also highly quoted, and rightfully so. I realize that we don't regularly call ourselves "sons of Abraham" in this day and age. However, I've known far too many people that rely on their parents for their salvation--as though they'll be covered under their parent's name. That's a scary place to be! We will all stand before God alone. At that moment, it all boils down to our own personal relationship with God.

Continuing in that verse, it says "For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham." If we won't obey God and answer his call on our lives, God will find someone who will. Let us be sensitive to God's purposes in our lives so we can answer that call. We need to take every opportunity to serve God, be up in the game, not on the sidelines waiting for a personal heavenly invitation to serve. Let us be doers!

I think a great way to stay close to God, and 'be in the game', is in verse 28. We need to be speaking of God's righteousness, forgiveness, love, and his praises all day long. When we've got God on the brain, our actions will follow.

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