Here's Our Progress...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 89

Numbers 27:12 - 29:11

A couple of things stuck out to me today while was reading this. First, I think it's so great that in chapter 27 here, God is allowing Moses to see the Promised Land. We know, from earlier in Numbers, that Moses isn't going to get to actually take the Israelites into Canaan because of his acting out at the waters of Meribah. But here God has compassion on him, and is going to allow him to at least see the land that he's invested his life in getting this stubborn people to. What a gracious God.

Second, I was reading over all these required offerings and I was thinking about how busy those priests were, every single day. Even on non-feast sacrifice days, they had the two daily offerings, plus everything anyone else in the camp had to bring for sin, vow, or otherwise. They were constantly sacrificing. When Jesus came, He fulfilled that requirement. We, obviously, no longer have to sacrifice for our sins, or otherwise. He is always there with us reminding us of that sacrifice and why He did it. But I was also thinking about our pastors now days. So many people desire ministry, specifically the title Pastor, for the title alone. What people DON'T realize is the time requirement. As pastor/priest, our shepards are spending their time praying for us and working for the kingdom cause--they are constantly sacrificing. When God calls someone into full-time vocational ministry, it is just that - full time, all the time. We need to remember this and pray for Pastor John, or whoever your pastor is, and support them.

Luke 8:1-18

Oh, I love this parable. This story has ministered to me on so many different levels at so many different times. It's so fascinating to see the different responses people have to the Word of God. I think too, sometimes we can see ourselves in these different pictures. For example, sometimes we'll receive a word or instruction from God (the seed) and then allow our doubt and worry (the weeds) to choke out that word ultimately causing us to fall out of alignment with God and His plans for us. This is a good reminder that we should always strive to remain fertile soil for God to work with!

Psalm 38:13-22

I love verse 15! That is a statement of faith and God is so faithful to fulfill His word. If we will wait on Him, He WILL answer us!

1 comment:

soulsource said...

Psalm 38:20, "Those who repay my good with evil slander me when I pursue what is good."

It is so very nice to know that I am not alone and that even King David was faced with this problem.