Here's Our Progress...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 73

Numbers 1:1-2:9

Here we go into Numbers...which is exactly as it sounds, a bunch of numbers. It's actually quite fascinating, I think, and we jump right in here in Chapter 1. Though the reading is a bit redundant, it's amazing to think of how many Israelites there were. That total in verse 46 is JUST MEN, and that's only men 20 and older that can fight. Now, add all the women, children, and men that, well, can't fight. When you think in terms of these numbers, it makes their Exodus from Egypt that much more amazing.

Luke 1:26-38

What would you do? What would you do if Gabriel showed up and visited you, giving you a similar message? Wow!

When I read verse 28, every time I feel so inadequate. Gabriel refers to Mary as "highly favored". Am I, are you, living a life that would qualify us as "highly favored"?

What an amazing woman Mary was, even in her response, just gracefully accepting the lot assigned to her.

Psalm 33:12-22

God is watching over us. What a deep thought that the Creator of the Universe is watching over little 'ol me, and we need to recognize that He is our deliverer. Let's go into today with this blessing...

"May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." (v.22)

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