Here's Our Progress...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 83

Numbers 16:36 - 18:32

This passage is so irritating. The Lord has just killed Korah, his family and his followers and in verse 41 the people continue to grumble against Moses and Aaron. "You have killed the Lord's people," they said. Ugh, they just don't get it! Even God has had enough. He tells Moses AGAIN that he is going to destroy all of them. But, unknown to the complaining and whining people, a very humble Moses saves their lives AGAIN. You just want to scream at these complaining whining people until you stop and look at yourself and realize that I too am a complaining whining Israelite! Ouch!

Luke 5:17-32
"And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick". Oh I love that verse. These precious friends of the lame man didn't care that the Pharisees and teachers of the law were in that house, they knew Jesus' power to heal their friend was in that house and they had to get in!! Then to top it all off, Jesus forgives his sins instead of heal him just to make the Pharisees mad! "But so that you will know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins..." Jesus sticks it to them and heals the man and forgives his sins. Their reaction is priceless "We have seen remarkable things today." But I bet the Pharisees didn't see those remarkable things.

Psalm 37:10-20
This is a great portion for those who wonder and shake their fist at the wicked every time they prosper and seem to get away with things. It seems they have more fun, more stuff, more power, more success, etc. than those of us who serve the Lord. But take heart! Not for long. "Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked." What a reassuring verse. Our day is coming when God will reward every day of suffering, every decision for righteousness and the commitment to Christ. As it says elsewhere: What is it if we should gain the whole world and loose our own soul?

Blessings until next week!

1 comment:

soulsource said...

Here we go again... In this portion of Numbers, Moses ups the ante for leadership. Yesterday we read how he allowed God to define spiritual authority. Today, Moses actually intercedes for those who are against him.

We read something like this in the New Testament in Matthew chapter 5, when Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to bless those that curse us.

Ouch!! I wish I could say that I do that, "Lord, help me!"

- Rich