This is a history-making chapter. Do you realize that the Israelites were about to march into the land? They had left Egypt and practically arrived at their destination. Those spies, aside from Joshua and Caleb, ruined it for an entire people. Because of their sour message, the people believed them and were ultimately condemned to die in the desert.
When I think of how this could apply to us today, I think of times that God has brought me to the end of a trial and my reactions just aren't what they should be. Into the wilderness we go...AGAIN. Whether we begin to doubt God, as the Israelites did, or we get overly-confident and begin to take over, we began to shorten the arm of God again.
This portion of scripture is broken up perfectly. We see in verses 14-30 how Jesus is rejected by a people, then we see in verses 31-37 how a people accepts Him. Among the first group in Nazareth, Jesus was unable to do anything because they don't believe.
Among the second group in Capernaum, though, they were desperate for Jesus. They were delivered and healed. They were ministered to and accepted his teachings as a salve for their wounds.
I pray that we aren't cocky and ultimately prohibit Jesus from moving in our lives. I want to be like Capernaum and be hungry for a move of the Spirit!
Lots of songs have come from this portion of scripture. I could sing several of them as I was reading. Among the songs, we see how much God loves us and how much He takes care of us!
"We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes" (Num.13:33)...
No doubt we are sometimes entirely hindered by our view of God's power in us and through us. Instead of Kings kids... we feel little in our own eyes. Things to consider about a grasshopper (locust) though.
- In large numbers, in a blink of an eye they can do immeasurable damage to crops and land stripping it clean of its crops and vegetation. (So can we together working for the Kingdom of God to advance the gospel)
- They can take grand leaps - (call it faith!)
There is a really a difference between humility and a believer's "God esteem". God wants us to move always within the frame of mind... I, that is in myself... can do nothing of great conquest(humility), but in Christ and in His strength I can do all things!
Phl 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Numbers 14 - summarizes the continual complaining the Israelite's had while in the wilderness. Much of this complaining is found in Exodus chapters 15,16,17 in fuller detail. Reading back through these chapters... I am reminded of the three remedies for a complaining heart.
Ex.15 - THE BITTER HEARTS... Moses was told to throw in a tree to sweeten the nasty waters. The cross will always help sweeten my bitter heart and drinking of Jesus, The Living Water. He puts an end to my complaining against others and rids me of a bitter attitude.
Ex.16 - THE BITTER APPETITES... They were still craving Egypt in their bellies (the world). Moses is told they will now eat of the bread from Heaven. Jesus is our Bread of Life. I know longer need the "stuff" of this world to make me happy and like Paul I find contentment whether I am "abased" or "abounding"... no more murmurings!
Ex.17 - BITTER LEADERS... "And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me?" Here Moses is told to smite the rock for the people's thirst. No leader can be the rock like Jesus is for us. He is the one stricken for my sin and He is the one who supplies my every need.
The true source of all complaining in my life is always found when I don't come to the true source... Jesus!
Jer 2:13 "For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, [And] hewn themselves cisterns--broken cisterns that can hold no water."
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