Here's Our Progress...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 92

Numbers 33:1 - 34:29

Chapter 33 lines out the journey of the Israelites, place by place, from Egypt to their stay now on the Jordan across from Jericho. They moved over 40 times! Can you imagine moving that many times?! AND, they had to take down the Tabernacle and set it back up each time. Talk about a big move!

Towards the end of Chapter 33, God is giving Moses further instructions for when they actually get into the land. Verses 55 and 56 are so key, even for us today. We have to eradicate the sin in our lives and completely get rid of it. We can't allow some sin to remain. When God calls us to quit something or clean our lives of something, we need to do it completely or it will be tough going for us!

Luke 9:10-27

Every time I read the stories of Jesus feeding the 5000 or the 4000, I try to picture in my mind how this actually played out. Think about're ripping off bread from these loaves for people and did the loaves just not ever get smaller? Did they re-grow after you ripped it? I'm crazy, I know. This is one of the miracles I wish I could have witnessed--among many others!

Proverbs 8:22-31

Remember, we're hearing from wisdom right now. I like to think of verses 30-31 as saying that wisdom is found in the presence of God. When we need wisdom, we need to go to the presence of God and spend time in His court. How's that for what to do when you just don't know what to do?!

1 comment:

soulsource said...

What does my life say about who Jesus is?