Deuteronomy 29:1 - 30:10
I love how God is so forgiving--even in our worst sin. Though God would have to punish the Israelites by exiling them, He would also hear their repentant cries and restore them in His infinite love. What a powerful, merciful God.
Luke 18:31 - 19:10
This passage of scripture is one of my favorites. I really draw courage from the blind beggar. He desperately needed a touch from God. When he cried out for that, those around him attempted to silence him by their words. But the Bible says "he shouted all the more". I appreciate this example. Even when there are doubters among us, we are to cry out the Creator--where our help and our strength come from.
Proverbs 10:1-10
Such nuggets of wisdom. I particularly like verse 9. This gives me comfort to know that walking in integrity is a safe way to go--no matter how turbulent it may be, we are safe on that road. Walking any other way is crooked and potentially embarrassing when you are discovered.
I love how God is so forgiving--even in our worst sin. Though God would have to punish the Israelites by exiling them, He would also hear their repentant cries and restore them in His infinite love. What a powerful, merciful God.
Luke 18:31 - 19:10
This passage of scripture is one of my favorites. I really draw courage from the blind beggar. He desperately needed a touch from God. When he cried out for that, those around him attempted to silence him by their words. But the Bible says "he shouted all the more". I appreciate this example. Even when there are doubters among us, we are to cry out the Creator--where our help and our strength come from.
Proverbs 10:1-10
Such nuggets of wisdom. I particularly like verse 9. This gives me comfort to know that walking in integrity is a safe way to go--no matter how turbulent it may be, we are safe on that road. Walking any other way is crooked and potentially embarrassing when you are discovered.
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