Here's Our Progress...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 118

Joshua 13:1-14:15

How excited God must have been to finally be giving the Israelites the towns He had promised them so many years before. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses had all been promised this land flowing with milk and honey but none of them saw the fulfillment. God must have felt like parents do when they can't wait to give a gift to their children on Christmas morning. It is certainly more blessed to give than receive! Heaven must have been full of rejoicing as the Promised Land is now being possessed by the children of Israel.

Luke 24:36-53

Jesus appearances after His death were always positive and assuring to the disciples. Here Jesus emphasizes that EVERY promise from the Old Testament has been fulfilled. Not one detail has been forgotten. The ascension of Jesus must have been a cool thing to see. Jesus is taken up to heaven and the disciples, understandably, have mixed emotions. They are sad to see Jesus go but they have a promise of the Holy Spirit. They really have no idea what this is but they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

Psalm 52:1-9

When we trust in money and in ourselves we are unstable and our way is headed for destruction. Here the Psalmists says God will tear you from your home and bad things will happen to you when you love evil and wickedness. People get away with sin for awhile but just like Madoff of today, it catches up with you and the fun is over.

BUT when I trust in the Lord, I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God. I have plenty of food, I grow strong and I am surround by the very presence of God! Better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 111

Today is a sad day. The Moses era is now behind us. What a special man God used. Even though he made mistakes God still said about him that "the Lord knew face to face." Moses was 120 when he died and he still had his eyesight and his strength. When God ordains you to fulfill a destiny in life He will give you the weakness and strengths that you need. What I mean by weaknesses is that Moses studdered or had some sort of speak problem but God still used him. We also see from this passage that God does order our steps and knows when we are to die. I wonder what Moses thought when God called him to climb the mountain to die? But looking ahead, the Lord has already anointed Joshua to lead the good naughty good naughty good naughty good naughty people into the Promised Land.

Luke 20:27 - 21:4

"He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive." I love this verse. God does not see death like we do. For those who are saved it really is just passing from one life to another. Those who are in Christ will never for one moment be apart from God. Not one second. For to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Psalm 49:1-20

Quit being jealous of all the rich people in the world. Their riches are only for a moment in the span of eternity. We have something far greater! The last verse is the clincher: a man with riches but without God is as good as an animal when he dies. Ouch.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 110

Deuteronomy 31:30 - 32:52

It's interesting to hear Moses' last song concerning his journey on earth. This recount is coming from one who has spent most of his life speaking face to face with God. What a powerful picture he paints of our God.

God tells Moses to go up on Mount Nebo because he's going to die there. But I love how God's grace is still present in his death. Even though Moses disqualified himself from entering the Promised Land, God allowed him to see it. What a gracious and compassionate God we serve.

Luke 19:45 - 20:26

These passages today show me that our God is simply just. I think too many times Christians began making God so much more complicated than we need to. Just like the Pharisees and Saducees were trying to trick Jesus, the simplicity of His message astounded them every time. Stick to the basics--our relationship with Christ!

Psalm 48:9-14

Thank you Lord that You are our guide until the end! We will never walk alone!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 109

Deuteronomy 30:11 - 31:29

This is a very sobering passage. Moses begins by clarifying the fact that the Israelites have free will. They can choose to obey or they can choose to not obey--it's completely up to them. Moses sets them up with their new leader, Joshua, and then commands them to read the law periodically, so as to not forget it. But this passage ends by Moses letting them know in advance that they are not going to choose obedience. Imagine someone laying out for you two options and then telling you that you're not going to pick the right one. Wouldn't you reconsider your decision? Unfortunately for the Israelites, they continued on their beaten path and fulfilled Moses' prophecy.

Luke 19:11-44

We should desire to be diligent with the tasks that God has given us. If it's to serve in the nursery, then that should be the best nursery ever. If it's to serve on the worship team, then we give it our all and make music to the best of our ability. As our faithfulness increases, God will give us more opportunities to be faithful.

We also read today about the Triumphant Entry. The people are excited about Christ entering and Pharisees are critical. However, our God is SO worthy of praise, He will cause the rocks to cry out and praise Him if we don't. Just like the song, "ain't no rock gonna cry in my place!"

Psalm 48:1-8

I enjoy the pictures that are created in the Psalms about the majesty of God and His dwelling, and about the power of His might and the security of His hand.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 108

Deuteronomy 29:1 - 30:10

I love how God is so forgiving--even in our worst sin. Though God would have to punish the Israelites by exiling them, He would also hear their repentant cries and restore them in His infinite love. What a powerful, merciful God.

Luke 18:31 - 19:10

This passage of scripture is one of my favorites. I really draw courage from the blind beggar. He desperately needed a touch from God. When he cried out for that, those around him attempted to silence him by their words. But the Bible says "he shouted all the more". I appreciate this example. Even when there are doubters among us, we are to cry out the Creator--where our help and our strength come from.

Proverbs 10:1-10

Such nuggets of wisdom. I particularly like verse 9. This gives me comfort to know that walking in integrity is a safe way to go--no matter how turbulent it may be, we are safe on that road. Walking any other way is crooked and potentially embarrassing when you are discovered.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 107

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

Just as God promises to bless us beyond measure for our obedience, He is a just God, and there are consequences for our disobedience. It's so easy to read this and judge the Israelites, wondering how they could disobey with such steep consequences clearly laid out. Then I realize, I'm the same way. God may not send me a prophet to explain all of the horrible consequences to me, but God does expect me to obey. I may not be exiled, but I do distance myself from my Creator when I choose not to obey His plan.

Luke 18:1-30

Love the persistent widow. May we all be persistent about the things of God and bringing them before His throne.

I also love the story of the rich ruler. I find comfort in the last part when Jesus lets us know that the things we give up for God's purposes are not given in vain. God will bless us--our sacrifices don't go unnoticed!

Psalm 47:1-9

Praise God! He alone is worthy of our praise!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 106

Deuteronomy 26:1 - 28:14

God promises to bless us when we obey. Why is it so hard for us, then, to obey when we have such a great reward waiting for us? I know for me, it's sometimes hard to believe that the struggle I will endure in obeying will be worth the blessing, whatever it may be. It's a trust issue--trusting that God has my best in mind. Chapter 28 is a great reminder that He does have my (our) best in mind.

What a statement of gratitude it was for the lone Samaritan to come back and thank Jesus. That action spoke volumes about his character. What are my actions speaking about my character? Ouch!

What a mighty God we serve! Nothing is beyond His abilities or His notice. Even with this majestic, thunderous God, He calls us to "be still" and know Him. Be still.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 105

Deuteronomy 23:1 - 25:19

Because 10 wasn't are some more rules! Now today, we have gazillions of them--that's right, gazillions. Every rule, you can boil right back down to one of the 10 commandments, which are conveniently summed up into two commandments in the New Testament. God has so much patience to deal with the human race--we are too difficult!!

Luke 16:19 - 17:10

Again, we're hearing about how small our faith needs to be to start. The disciples were asking for more faith, and Jesus is saying whoa! Start here, and then watch it go!

Psalm 45:10-17

Verse 17: "Therefore the nations will praise you for ever and ever." I can't wait for that day to come!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 104

Deuteronomy 21:1 - 22:30

Marriage violations are not to be taken lightly. They were killed for it during the O.T. times and now we make t.v. shows out of them. What a shame that marriage is so trodden in our society. But in your home and in your life it does not have to be. Save yourself for your spouse and remain faithful the rest of your days! Virginity is a precious gift given by God. Don't give in to the world's view of purity! Purity was God's idea and don't let anyone look down upon for being pure and in right standing with God.

Luke 16:1-18

This is a great segment for young people. Verse 10-be faithful in the little things you are asked to do. Do your very best at everything. Don't just do your best when people are watching or may reward you. Learn to do everything with excellence and people will trust you with bigger and bigger responsibility. If you work a low paying job and do a sloppy job because nobody cares than who is going to give you a higher paying job and think you will do any different?

Proverbs 9:13-18

Folly is a word we don't hear a lot about. But folly is obviously undisciplined, without knowledge and lacking judgement. Discipline yourself and be full of knowledge from the Holy Spirit so that when folly comes knocking on your door you slam that door shut or better yet, never even open it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 103

Deuteronomy 19:1 - 20:20

Isn't it just like our Just God to provide refuge. God foresaw all the circumstances that would befall the Israelites and provided for refuge for those that could possibly be accused of something that they didn't' mean to do. Accidents happen, right? God had called the Israelites to purge the people who were willfully sinning, whether it be serving another God or murdering another Israelite. But, God, in His infinite mercy, provided a way out for those who didn't' mean any harm.

Luke 15:1-32

These parables make me feel special. How awesome it is that God rejoices over us when we allow Him to save us. God is searching for those that are lost, calling out to them. If only they knew!! Maybe we should tell them?

Psalm 45:1-9

How majestic is our God! I love reading passages like this that describe His splendor. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 102

Deuteronomy 16:21 - 18:22

In Chapter 17, verse 1, Moses is laying out the specifications of an offering--that it must be without defect. I believe God wants the same perfection in our sacrifice today. No, I don't think we need to be perfect--we couldn't if we tried! But, when we are offering ourselves to do something for the Lord, I believe God wants our best. When we commit to doing something for the Lord, He's not looking for our excuses, those are flaws and defects in our sacrifice. Let's do everything unto the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength!

Luke 14:15-35

Following Christ is not to be a flippant decision. Just as we saw in Deuteronomy, how God doesn't want flawed sacrifices, He also wants us to follow Him completely, not just partly. Jesus gives the example of building a tower or going to war. We need to be prepared when we follow Christ. This goes for our decision to continually follow Him, as well as our decisions to serve Him. Let us remain salty!

Psalm 44:13-26

Talk about tugging at a dad's heartstrings: "Rise up and help us; redeem us because of your unfailing love." Help me Lord, because You love me!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 101

Deuteronomy 15:1 - 16:20

Be openhanded. Ouch! Especially in this economy, huh?! Chapter 15, verses 7-11, says that we need to be openhanded towards our brothers who are in need. Recently, I've been praying that God would give me opportunities to "pay it forward." I want to be less focused on the balance in my checking, and more focused on the needy around me--the hurting ones that God needs my hands to help.

Luke 13:31 - 14:14

Again, as we see so often in our journey here, just as we are reading about taking care of the poor in Deuteronomy, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees about inviting the poor, the crippled, the lame and blind to your care, and you will be blessed. Jesus is taking it a step further here from just poor, He's going to those that are hurting physically as well. Any one up for a little Matthew 25 ministry?!

Psalm 44:1-12

I love verses 6-8! I'm not going to trust in my own abilities, because I know that they aren't going to accomplish anything. It's through the power of God that things are going to happen and change in my life, and I will in turn give praise to God!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 100

Deuteronomy 13:1 - 14:29

A couple of things really stick out here to me. First is the idea of no other gods. God keeps drawing their memory back to when He alone delivered them from their bondage. Again, through the harsh consequences is a God so desperate for His people to be holy and with Him. He again and again, and again, reminds them that it is He alone, with a mighty hand and outstretched arm, that delivered them and set them free.

What also jumped out at me is God's focus on tithing. It's so important! So many Christians in the church today are missing out on the fullness of God's blessing because they just aren't committing their finances to His care. It's SO hard sometimes to write that tithe check when you think of all the other things you could be doing with the money, but the blessings and miraculous provisions of God far outweigh the earthly pleasures!

Luke 13:1-30

I really appreciate the simplicity of verses 18-21. You hear people all the time suggesting that things don't happen because their faith just wasn't big enough. Do they not understand that a mustard seed just ain't that big?! God is trying to make it as simple as possible for us, because He, better than anyone, understands our faithlessness. Just have a little faith, and see how it grows!

Proverbs 9:1-12

The fear of the Lord. That's something I've been pondering lately. When I think about fearing such a kind God, one that we often picture sitting with children and lambs, it's hard to associate that with fear. But I've been drawn back to the passage of scripture when the God wants to speak to the Israelites. They purify themselves and meet at the base of the mountain. God comes as fire, dark clouds, thunder and lightening. They were afraid! That's the mighty God we serve--a God so powerful, He alone holds the ability to save us. To fear Him is the beginning of knowledge. To understand the consequences of what we've done and to accept His mercy is the beginning of knowledge.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 99

Deuteronomy 11:1 - 12:32

What's there not to love?

Even in all these requirements and strict rules, I can so clearly see the deep love of God between the lines. He yearned for the best for his chosen people. He wanted them to succeed. He wanted them to be free from consequences.

He still wants the same thing for us today! He has reconciled us to Himself and He longs for the day when we commune together face to face. Let us love Him truly and obey Him wholeheartedly--getting rid of all the evil in the camp.

Luke 12:35-59

This passage has really taken on a new meaning to me over the last couple of years. Verses 49-53 have truly played out in our lives. I wondered why I was having such a hard time in some relationships, and this verse explains it all. Our light shining bright can bring division to those who are avoiding the light altogether. They are going to shy away from it (us). It's not us--it's the Holy Spirit in us. Take heart!

Psalm 43:1-5

Again, David is reassuring himself that God alone is his deliverer. David can do nothing aside from the power of God at work in and around him. "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 98

Deuteronomy 9:1 - 10:22

Oh that pride! I think it's fascinating how God, through Moses, was anticipating the prideful hearts of the Israelites. The first part of chapter 9 is Moses repeating over and over that they are not going to the promised land because of their righteousness. God knew their hearts and wanted make sure that it rang in their heads that it wasn't because of them, but for the glory of God.

I also really enjoyed 10:12-13. It's just another simplified version of the Christian life. If we use this model and apply the power of the Holy Spirit now living in us, we can be some world changers!

Luke 12:1-34

Do Not Worry. It's not that simple, is it? This is such a peaceful passage to me, both here and in Matthew. It's as though God is walking us through nature showing us His beauty and then saying, "You're even more beautiful than that to me, and I'm gonna take care of you." What an amazing Savior we have!

Psalm 42:6b-11

I love the picture David paints here. You can see the desperation in his soul when in verse 7 "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls...", as though life has completely consumed him. But how does David reply? Verse 11: "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Wow--those are some strong words. Even in my despair, depression, sorrow, grief, devastation, anger, bitterness, in my lowest point of desperation, I WILL hope in God and I will YET praise Him. AMEN!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 97

Deuteronomy 6:1-8:20

Oh man, this is a portion so full of good things where can I start? You can preach series after series of this!!!!!

Take these commands and:

-Put them on your heart

-Impress them on your children

-Talk about them at home and going to and fro

-Tie them on your hands

-Bind them on your foreheads

-Write them on your houses and gates

You got it yet?? Don't forget them!!!

And then when you are blessed DON'T FORGET GOD!!

Over and over and over and over and (you get the point) God warns them to follow His decrees and laws closely. He tells them as they enter the Promise Land to be very careful in several areas. He says don't serve their gods but destroy them, don't intermarry with them, don't make a treaty with them, don't, don't, don't... but remember be careful remember be careful remember be careful.... You would think we would get God's point, to0. The devil is the master of deceit in getting our eyes on everything else but God.

Luke 11:33-54

Six Woes

When I read this passage I think of the beautiful people not very far from Bakersfield in LA who look gorgeous and make the magazines but one day the real truth of their insides is going to be revealed. Every young person in America is wishing and striving to be like so and so but we should really be striving to be like Jesus!

And I then think of the preachers on t.v. who seem to have fantastic ministries. Even that is not enough and they commit sins and excuse them and they too are clean on the outside but dirty on the inside. Lord if nobody notices me for the perfection on the inside, may you notice the cleanness of my heart!

Psalm 42:1-6a

Why so downcast, O my soul? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him. My savior and my God.

Need I say more?

Love you all! Rachel

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 96

Deuteronomy 4:15 - 5:33

So much good stuff in this section today! I like how verses 32-40 seem to perfectly sum up the Bible. They go through and show the majesty and awesomeness of God, and then give us the direction to just follow Him. That simple.

I also like at the very end of the reading how Moses says in verses 32 and 33 that we just need to obey the Word of the Lord. Don't turn aside to the right or to the left, but do what God has called you to do. When we do this, God will prosper us. It truly is an amazing thing when you walk where God calls you to walk.

Luke 11:5-32

Just to tie into our Old Testament reading today, in verse 28, Jesus says "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

People were ogling over Mary and how blessed she was to have raised Jesus, and He's saying "No, no, no. You've got it all wrong!" (Not really, but in a nutshell) The ones who are blessed are those that are following Jesus and the Father's instructions.

It's neat how when we absorb the Old and New Testaments together, we get a much clearer picture of what it truly means to be a Christian.

Proverbs 8:32-36

Again, a recurring theme is finding the will/instructions of God and following it. Verse 35 says "For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and receives favor from the Lord." Find wisdom by finding the will of God, and just do it. Thank you, Nike.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 95

Deuteronomy 2:24 - 4:14

Again, we're going over recent events leading up to today. One thing really stuck out to me, though. Maybe it's because it's totally something I would do. In chapter 3 verses 21-29, Moses is talking about how he wants to see the Promised Land but can't. Specifically, verse 26 he says "But because of you the Lord was angry with me...."

Now let's recall what happened. God was mad at the people, again. No surprise. He gave Moses specific orders on what to do to get the people water. Moses disobeyed. Yes, the people were bad and he wouldn't have acted out at all if they hadn't complained in the first place. However, ultimately, it's his own fault. He should have obeyed God. We, and I'm definately including myself in this, are so quick to pass the buck, so to speak. We need to own up sometimes, though, and say "I messed up".

I had to personally do this recently. I had been difficult to someone and actually fibbed a bit to not have to accomplish a task they were asking of me. Oh, the guilt!! I had to go to them and say that I was sorry, I lied, I was being difficult and I'm sorry. I could have easily left it because it really wasn't my "job" to do what they were asking, but God spoke very clearly that the buck stopped with me--I had to own up to my mistake. Ouch.

Luke 10:25 - 11:4

How many of you picture vegatables with pots and shoes on their heads when you read this parable? Oh, am I the only Veggie Tale watcher? Ha! I love how that parable ends, when Jesus says, "Go and do likewise". Go and have mercy on others. Everywhere we go with Jesus through the New Testament, we see Him do something and then tell them to "go". We have received grace and mercy, so we need to "GO!".

Psalm 41:7-13

I love verse 12! David says "In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever." I love that he doesn't say "in my righteousness" or "in my perfection" or "in my royalty". He says, simply, my "integrity". That's all God is asking of us--not perfection. He just wants us to always live a life for Him--even when no one is looking!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 94

Deuteronomy 1:1 - 2:23

Welcome to Deuteronomy! We're going to begin by taking a journey with Moses down memory lane. It's very interesting to me to hear Moses' perspective on the happenings of the Israelites from the past 40 years. It must have also been somewhat embarrassing for the Israelites to recount their stupidity and stubbornness. But sometimes, that can be a good reminder to not fall into the same cycle of disobedience.

Luke 9:57 - 10:24

This passage is chalk full of great things to talk about. I wasn't sure which thing to highlight. Then something popped out to me. Verse 21. "...Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit..." is a powerful phrase.

We all have things going on in our lives that are joysuckers. For some of us, maybe it's a relationship, maybe (like the Champions) it's cancer, it could be a great many things. Whatever it is, it has robbed our joy. Jesus was facing certain, horrible, torturous death. He knew it. He's been telling his disciples about it these last few chapters. Yet here He is joyful. The key? Through the Holy Spirit. Jesus was joyful and pumped up for this pep talk to the disciples. He was excited because He was about the things of God--He was giving praise to God and for His perfect will. May we be full of the Holy Spirit and allow His joy to infuse us through all circumstances.

Psalm 41:1-6

How can we be delivered in times of trouble? By having regard for the weak. Interesting. I think this could be taken as meaning that when we are going through something, we need to focus on those around us going through troubles as well and focus on helping them. Suddenly, our problems get smaller and we are delivered. It's an amazing principle that really does work. Our circumstances may not change, but we will be delivered from our anguish and despair.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 93

Numbers 35:1 - 36:13

We're closing out Numbers here! Another book down, guys!!

As I was reading Chapter 36, I thought it was interesting that even under these circumstances, there were no exceptions to the Year of Jubilee. I mean, God could have totally said that everything returns to its owner in that year, except when it's a daughter's inheritance...right? Instead, God held fast to His original rules, and insisted that they marry within their tribal clan. When God tells us to do something, He's serious. Where we often make excuses and provide reasons as to why we can't fulfill obligations, God is not amused. But! There is grace! Where we are weak, He is strong!

Luke 9:28-56

It would have been something awesome to have walked with! But in addition, Peter, John and James got to see Moses and Elijah! What was that like?! I think I would have also suggested that we all hang out. But I think it's interesting that God interupts Peter and basically tells him to shush and listen to what Jesus has to say. So often we get so excited about the things we're seeing and we begin to take over and stop God from moving further. Excitement isn't bad--in fact, it's contagious! But we need to be careful to not act like that was the grand finale and start packing up to go, when God has much more in store.

Psalm 40:9-17

I think verses 9 and 10 are a challenge for us. I know for myself, I often times keep God to myself for convenience sake, time sake, whatever. I want to be able to say that I "proclaim righteousness" at all times. Lord, may Your name be known!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 92

Numbers 33:1 - 34:29

Chapter 33 lines out the journey of the Israelites, place by place, from Egypt to their stay now on the Jordan across from Jericho. They moved over 40 times! Can you imagine moving that many times?! AND, they had to take down the Tabernacle and set it back up each time. Talk about a big move!

Towards the end of Chapter 33, God is giving Moses further instructions for when they actually get into the land. Verses 55 and 56 are so key, even for us today. We have to eradicate the sin in our lives and completely get rid of it. We can't allow some sin to remain. When God calls us to quit something or clean our lives of something, we need to do it completely or it will be tough going for us!

Luke 9:10-27

Every time I read the stories of Jesus feeding the 5000 or the 4000, I try to picture in my mind how this actually played out. Think about're ripping off bread from these loaves for people and did the loaves just not ever get smaller? Did they re-grow after you ripped it? I'm crazy, I know. This is one of the miracles I wish I could have witnessed--among many others!

Proverbs 8:22-31

Remember, we're hearing from wisdom right now. I like to think of verses 30-31 as saying that wisdom is found in the presence of God. When we need wisdom, we need to go to the presence of God and spend time in His court. How's that for what to do when you just don't know what to do?!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 91

Numbers 31:25 - 32:42

Today we see God giving them the regulations for dividing the plunder from the Midianites. I don't want to sound legalistic, but I do think it's interesting that God mandated a "tithe" from the spoils from everyone who received. God told them how to figure out how much of each portion belonged to Him. While I don't believe that God is sitting in Heaven with a clipboard checking off all of our income, no matter the source, and making sure we tithe, I DO believe that God wants to own our provision. He wants us to honor Him with the things He has provided.

Today we also see the first of the inheritance being granted. The Reubenites, Gadites and half tribe of Manasseh have decided that they want to just settle on the east side of the Jordan instead of crossing over into the Promised Land. I think this is another example of the permissive will of God, verses His perfect will. God planned for them to all be in the land of Canaan, but allowed them to stay on the other side, with the proviso that they help their brothers clear out the land first. To me, it sounds like they settled. Let's not settle for what seems easy at the time, let's follow God all the way and get into that land He has promised us!

Luke 8:40 - 9:9

I love this story about the sick woman who touches Jesus' cloak. She was really determined to be healed. She was unclean and taking a big risk pushing her way through the crowd to get to Jesus. It's amazing to see her faith, in that she knew she just had to touch Jesus because He was just THAT powerful. And Jesus knew, too. Isn't that crazy?! He knew that power had gone out from His being. Lord, may we even touch the hem of Your garment today in some way!

Psalm 40:1-8

Verses 6-8 are so key! David is confirming that God isn't looking for our sacrifices and our offerings, per se. This is just like the story (we'll get there soon!) of Saul offering the sacrifice before Samuel got there and Samuel said that the Lord desires obedience, not sacrifice. That's what David is saying here. "But my ears you have pierced", or opened. God has opened our ears to hear His voice. We need to train ourselves to hear that voice and obey. Verse 8 sums it up well, "I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."