Here's Our Progress...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 111

Today is a sad day. The Moses era is now behind us. What a special man God used. Even though he made mistakes God still said about him that "the Lord knew face to face." Moses was 120 when he died and he still had his eyesight and his strength. When God ordains you to fulfill a destiny in life He will give you the weakness and strengths that you need. What I mean by weaknesses is that Moses studdered or had some sort of speak problem but God still used him. We also see from this passage that God does order our steps and knows when we are to die. I wonder what Moses thought when God called him to climb the mountain to die? But looking ahead, the Lord has already anointed Joshua to lead the good naughty good naughty good naughty good naughty people into the Promised Land.

Luke 20:27 - 21:4

"He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive." I love this verse. God does not see death like we do. For those who are saved it really is just passing from one life to another. Those who are in Christ will never for one moment be apart from God. Not one second. For to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Psalm 49:1-20

Quit being jealous of all the rich people in the world. Their riches are only for a moment in the span of eternity. We have something far greater! The last verse is the clincher: a man with riches but without God is as good as an animal when he dies. Ouch.

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