Here's Our Progress...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 110

Deuteronomy 31:30 - 32:52

It's interesting to hear Moses' last song concerning his journey on earth. This recount is coming from one who has spent most of his life speaking face to face with God. What a powerful picture he paints of our God.

God tells Moses to go up on Mount Nebo because he's going to die there. But I love how God's grace is still present in his death. Even though Moses disqualified himself from entering the Promised Land, God allowed him to see it. What a gracious and compassionate God we serve.

Luke 19:45 - 20:26

These passages today show me that our God is simply just. I think too many times Christians began making God so much more complicated than we need to. Just like the Pharisees and Saducees were trying to trick Jesus, the simplicity of His message astounded them every time. Stick to the basics--our relationship with Christ!

Psalm 48:9-14

Thank you Lord that You are our guide until the end! We will never walk alone!

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